If you are trying to edit the scoreboard game or the team names on the Top and Left side of your contest grid, and the changes don't seem to be sticking, there's a good reason why.
You need to visit the Grid Setup page within your Contest Settings, and scroll down to the bottom of that page where the Grid-level overrides are.
Any values you see in that table at the bottom of the Grid Setup page will override your Contest-wide settings above.
This exists in case you want to use our "Multiple Grids" functionality, to run a single contest for a series of games, such as the popular Thanksgiving Day games (3 games on THX day). Using these overrides, you could have 3 separate sets of numbers, each with different Top and Left teams and game links, because there are 3 NFL games on that day.
In most cases, people are making changes to the Contest-wide default team names and scoreboard on the main Settings page, not realizing that the override still exists at the bottom of this page (see image below).
So visit that Grid Setup page and scroll down, and clear out any names you see in that table on the bottom and you should be good to go! Your contest-wide scoreboard and team names will be the ones shown!
The circle at the top will be overridden by the settings at the bottom (with the arrow pointing at it).